Games Workshop - Battlefleet Gothic, all miniatures
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Games Workshop ( 119 )
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- Cruiser (2)
- Escort (8)
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- 1/70000 (14)
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The presence of Space Marine ships from any one Chapter ranges from a single rapid strike vessel (usually used for patrols and long range transportation) to several Space Marine strike cruisers and a battle barge. The aid of the Space Marines proves invaluable in reclaiming many worlds that had been lost to alien or heretical forces. It is this kind of counter-incursion activity that the Space Marines excel at and, at the direst of time, most needed.
Miniature (x6) id: gw-99060807009 64%
Discontinued Scale: 1/70000 Material: White Metal |
Miniature (x6) id: gw-99060807010 64%
Discontinued Scale: 1/70000 Material: White Metal |
Miniature (x6) id: gw-99060807011 64%
Discontinued Scale: 1/70000 Material: White Metal |
Miniature (x3) id: gw-99060807007 64%
Discontinued Scale: 1/70000 Material: White Metal |
Miniature (x4) id: gw-99060801005 (gw-bg60) 64%
Discontinued Scale: 1/70000 Material: White Metal |
Miniature (x4) id: gw-99060801006 (gw-bg61) 73%
Discontinued Scale: 1/70000 Material: White Metal |
Miniature (x4) id: gw-99060801004 (gw-bg29) 73%
Discontinued Scale: 1/70000 Material: White Metal |
Games Workshop Battlefleet Gothic Imperial Fleet Space Marine Fleet Tau Fleet Eldar Fleet Dark Eldar Fleet Chaos Fleet Ork Fleet Escort
Miniature (x3) id: gw-99110807021 73%
Discontinued Scale: 1/70000 Material: Plastic |
Games Workshop Battlefleet Gothic Imperial Fleet Space Marine Fleet Tau Fleet Eldar Fleet Dark Eldar Fleet Chaos Fleet Ork Fleet Cruiser
Miniature (x1) id: gw-99110807020 64%
Discontinued Scale: 1/70000 Material: Plastic |
Miniature (x1) id: gw-99060801001 (gw-8240A) 82%
Discontinued Scale: 1/70000 Material: White Metal |
Miniature (x1) id: gw-99110801002 (gw-1566) 82%
Discontinued Scale: 1/70000 Material: White Metal |
Miniature (x3) id: gw-99060807005 (gw-8201C) 82%
Discontinued Scale: 1/70000 Material: White Metal |
Miniature (x4) id: gw-99060807003 (gw-8201b) 82%
Discontinued Scale: 1/70000 Material: White Metal |
Miniature (x3) id: gw-99060807002 (gw-8201A) 82%
Discontinued Scale: 1/70000 Material: White Metal |