Even amongst the Srónax, the immensely powerful man-beasts of icy Thule which is beyond all knowledge, Rocqaan's might is legend. So regarded is he that many believe he will soon become Gultain, and thus a champion of other horned ones in Baalor's name, although Rocqaan himself cares little for such titles. He will slaughter and murder as he has always done whether he is a warrior or a Tain; he will laugh at the lesser beasts that assail him with sword and spear regardless of how he is marked, knowing that he has few equals and even fewer enemies to fear upon the battlefield. Yet if Gultain he becomes, Gultain he will be, and set the example for other horned ones to follow with the edge of his blade and the roar in his throat.
This blister pack contains:
1x Rocqaan, Srónax Warrior
1x 60mm round base