Lord Venator

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Lord Venator

Clad in armor etched with the sagas of old, the hero embarked on a treacherous journey, his steed thundering across desolate lands and haunted forests. The ancestral spirits guided him, urging him toward the crucible of destiny where fire and steel would collide. As he traversed the scorched plains, a dark omen hung in the air, foretelling a saga yet unwritten.

  • Lord venator 32mm
    Body 42mm
    Dragon 23mm
  • Lord Venator 75mm
    Body 70mm
    Dragon 45mm
  • Lord venator 150mm
    Body 100mm
    Dragon 65mm
  • Basic base
  • Scenic base Lord Venator (Dragon Head)
  • Character Stats Sheet

Each size indiviadually adjusted in proportions and details
The files comes Tested PreSupported and Unsupported.

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