Black Fangs Commander

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Order commanders place a highest value on members of the Black Fangs’ unit and treat them nearly as equals. On many occasions they have even asked for their counsel while planning a strategy for an upcoming battle. They're as often assigned to squads tasked with missions considered critical and their success imperative.

Black Fangs Orcs were painted by Angel Giraldez who created perfect interpretation of colour scheme with unusual to see different approach for orcs’ skins that perfectly fits our World of Isbran. The aggressive look, non-metallic metals and fantastic impressions represent top of the top painting skills and makes those miniatures one of our favourites.

After many months of working internally of Fists & Fangs skirmish tabletop game, we decided to launch the miniatures that we love so much and are the core aspect of this hobby and game. Fist & Fangs is set in the world of Isbran, a realm of never-ending winter - Isbran. The realm of Isbran is populated by a number of races. While traveling between cities, one would meet proud dwarves, savage wulfkin, barbarian tribes, elves... but most important of all, the mighty Orcs - Templars of the Order of the Ram.

Enjoy exclusive line of miniatures from the World of Isbran.

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