The Kappa is a Japanese mythical creature that belongs to the Yokai and the Kami. A yokai is a spirit and a kami is a deity. The kappa therefore combines both.
The kappa is a small creature that is often compared to a three-year-old child. Sometimes, however, it is also said to be as big as a ten-year-old boy. Depending on the description, the kappa is either completely hairy or covered in scales. It combines many animals and has both animal and human features. The kappa is most similar to a Chinese softshell turtle.
Kappas live in water, mostly in fresh water such as rivers or ponds. They usually have webbed hands and feet. Their arms are joined together and are very flexible. There is a plate-shaped cavity in their head, also known as a sara. It contains a mysterious liquid that is usually described as simple water. It represents the life force of the kappa. If the kappa is on land and this water dries up or even spills, it loses all its strength and, in the worst case, even dies.