Landsknecht Doppelsoeldner:
This miniature depicts a Landsknecht Doppelsoeldner, he is equipped with a two-handed sword (Flamberge) and a short sword (Katzbalger).
The miniature comes with and without support elements and is designed for printing in 72mm and 90mm.
A Doppelsoeldner was a Landsknecht who agreed to fight in the front lines, for which he received double pay (German doppel = double; Sold = pay; Soeldner = Mercenary). Doppelsoeldner were often experienced and were sufficiently equipped to fight in the front line of a Landsknecht formation called a "Haufen" (Pile).
A Landsknecht with a flamberge was called a Schwertspieler. His task was to cut lanes in the enemy's pike formations, through which other Landsknechts with halberds and swords could then advance.
A dangerous task!