Wargalleys have little draft and although the Kybernētēs (navigators) and Trierarchs (captains) could be very experienced in handling their ships and have a deep knowledge of the waters of the Hellas, navigation techniques in open seas were still unthinkable. Most naval battles of the time took place relatively close to the coasts.
In our games of Thalassa, we encourage the use of a coast line for two main reasons: they add a fantastic visual impact that help players to immerse further in the game and work perfect as placeholder for tokens, Fleet Command dice and all the gaming clutter that are not exclusively ships fighting in the blue waters of the Mediterranean and Aegean seas!
Designed by Dankaiminiatures, this set contains 10 different sections of 250cm y 220mm to produce a coastline alongside your gaming table. They can all connect between them with many different combinations.
The files have been designed to print on a FDM Printer and they are supplied them in two sizes (250cm and 220cm / section) considering different sizes print beds.