Amongst the Sword-Melusines there are those whose keening songs are even more irresistible than most, almost amusingly so, for to see the dumb expressions on their victim's faces as they are enchanted is virtually as dangerous as experiencing it. Esyld's songs are perhaps the most irresistible of all, but it is not her song that makes her so dangerous; it is the shrieking power that can be heard (some would say endured) in her voice, a howling wail that can burst minds and shatter consciousness. In battle it is unleashed at the very height of the clash, directed at the strongest enemies arrayed against Euryalia's army, and is so powerful men simply drop to their knees, horses bolt with or without their riders and beasts rage at the sky, unable to comprehend what is happening and unable to control their limbs effectively. Truly it can be said of Esyld that, even without her sword-training and martial skill, both of which are the equal of her sisters, she is a killer.
This blister pack contains:
1x Esyld, Sword-Melusine Siren
1x 30mm round base