
by Alan Perry
Citadel ( 1 )
Foundry ( 2203 )
Ancients (272)
- Arthurian British (11)
- Assyrians (29)
- Civilians and Villagers (5)
- Dacians and Sarmatians (9)
- Franks and Saxons (17)
- Hittites (11)
- Imperial Romans (62)
- Late Romans (40)
- Libyans (6)
- New Kingdom Egyptians (38)
- Picts (10)
- Scythians (8)
- Sea Peoples (11)
- Sumerians and Akkadians (5)
- Syrians (15)
- Trojan War (17)
Great Britain Colonies (230)
- China (36)
- India (132)
- The Boer Wars (17)
- The North West Frontier (18)
- Zulu Wars (27)
Medieval (90)
- Civilians and Villagers (2)
- Early Medieval (13)
- Hundred Years War (24)
- Late Medieval (48)
- Mercenaries (5)
Miniatures (24)
- Civilians and Villagers (2)
- Elizabethan (20)
- Hundred Years War (2)
- Late 16th Century (20)
- Without Faction (2)
Napoleonic (764)
- Bavarian Napoleonic (37)
- French Revolution (7)
- Napoleonic Austrians (98)
- Napoleonic British (160)
- Napoleonic French (327)
- Napoleonic Prussians (81)
- Napoleonic Russians (54)
Pike and Shot (73)
- Elizabethan (20)
- Landsknechts (34)
- Late 16th Century (25)
- Late Renaissance Polish (14)
Games Workshop ( 190 )
Lord of the Rings (165)
- Angmar (6)
- Corsairs of Umbar (2)
- Dunland (4)
- Fangorn (1)
- Far Harad (3)
- Good - Arnor (3)
- Good - Numenor (5)
- Good - Rohan (24)
- Good - The Dead of Dunharrow (4)
- Good - The Fellowship of The Ring (21)
- Good - The Kingdom of Khazad-Dum (2)
- Good - The Rangers (4)
- Good - The Shire (8)
- Isengard (18)
- Lothlorien (3)
- Minas Tirith (20)
- Mordor (29)
- Moria (12)
- Paints (2)
- Rivendell (5)
- Sharkey's Rogues (1)
- The Easterlings (2)
- The Fiefdoms (3)
- The Serpent Horde (4)
- Variags of Khand (7)
- Wanderers in the Wild (1)
Warhammer Fantasy Battle (5)
- Chaos Dwarfs (1)
- Dwarfs (1)
- Lizardmen (1)
- Regiments of Renown (1)
- The Empire (1)