Shrikes of Ruin 3D Printed Resin

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Driven mad by its starvation, this creature soars in the sky.  
Where the Seeker of Ruin slinks through the shadows, the Shrike of Ruin soars! Born from the same union as its land-bound counterpart, a Shrike arises when a Nuckelavee, driven mad by starvation, merges with its monstrous mount.

This abominable union results in a creature even more grotesque than its land-bound sibling. The Nuckelavee's form becomes the skeletal foundation for a horrific airborne monstrosity. Its ribs jut outwards, resembling twisted barbs, and its elongated neck stretches to support the creature’s gaping maw, which hangs open like a second, ravenous beak. Iridescent wings, as wide as a man, unfurl from its back, a tattered tapestry woven from scavenged flesh and gleaming muscus. Terminating from the wings are the clawed remnants of the Nuckelavee's limbs, a grim reminder of its former existence.

Despite its grotesque form, the Shrike of Ruin possesses a terrifying grace in flight. Its immense wings buzz as they whip up storms of dust and debris. It circles battlefields with a predatory calm, its sunken, yellow eyes scanning the ground for unsuspecting prey. When it spots a target, it dives with a shriek, its Nuckelavee head snapping forward in anticipation of tasting flesh.

Creature Caster uses a 3D printer Resin that is a perfect blend of detail and durability. Combined with its matte finish and grey tone make it nearly indistinguishable from our traditional resin casts. 3D printed models come in minimal pieces and with supports removed, however some sanding and clipping is required to achieve a flawless finish.

Most of our 3D prints come in only 2-3 parts and as such assembly instructions are not required.

Height: ~45mm

Model Count: 3

Base: 60mm

Model is unassembled and unpainted. Intended for ages 14+.

When assembling, only use cyanoacrylate glue (medium viscosity, for best results) as other glues may damage the material.

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