Lord of the Rings - Eastern Realms?language=de%2Fview Details%2Fscale 28mm, all miniatures
Forge World ( 73 )
Lord of the Rings (73)
- Angmar (4)
- Corsairs of Umbar (1)
- Dunland (4)
- Fangorn (1)
- Far Harad (2)
- Isengard (1)
- Lothlorien (2)
- Minas Tirith (6)
- Mordor (9)
- Rivendell (1)
- Sharkey's Rogues (1)
- The Easterlings (6)
- The Fiefdoms (3)
- The Misty Mountains (2)
- The Serpent Horde (3)
- Books (1)
- Good - Arnor (2)
- Good - Numenor (1)
- Good - Rohan (5)
- Good - The Fellowship of The Ring (1)
- Good - The Shire (5)
- Scenery (6)
- Without Faction (10)
Games Workshop ( 840 )
Lord of the Rings (840)
- Angmar (24)
- Corsairs of Umbar (10)
- Dunland (9)
- Fangorn (6)
- Far Harad (13)
- Good - Radagast's Alliance (1)
- Isengard (68)
- Lothlorien (35)
- Minas Tirith (89)
- Mordor (110)
- Moria (44)
- Rivendell (35)
- Sharkey's Rogues (3)
- The Easterlings (23)
- The Fiefdoms (17)
- The Misty Mountains (6)
- The Serpent Horde (29)
- Variags of Khand (10)
- Books (47)
- Dice (9)
- Evil - Dark Powers of Dol Guldur (7)
- Good - Arnor (8)
- Good - Numenor (17)
- Good - Rohan (83)
- Good - The Dead of Dunharrow (18)
- Good - The Fellowship of The Ring (99)
- Good - The Kingdom of Khazad-Dum (35)
- Good - The Rangers (13)
- Good - The Shire (17)
- Good - The White Council (11)
- Good - Wildmen of Druadan (2)
- Paints (5)
- Rules (17)
- Scenery (21)
- Wanderers in the Wild (3)
- Without Faction (39)
- Tout (766)
- Blackroot Vale (3)
- Dol Amroth (10)
- Lamedon (4)
- Lossarnach (4)
- none (43)
- Rules (6)
- Sourcebooks (8)
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