Beast-things and sea-devils are not the only creatures upon this earth in thrall to Baalor, the Eye in the Ice, the Destroyer of the North, for Man can also be turned to the Gods of Winter. Maagaan was turned by the promise of power, a lure most men cannot resist, for the crippled once-man known as Magan - shunned by others for what they saw as madness - readily turned to Baalor in exwcfnge for power over those that had taunted him for so long. He received that and more: Baalor saw the energies in him and knew him for what he truly was, and each lesson was greedily learned by a man hungry for the lore that would give him vengeance. Now, having sated that vengeance with ice and fury, he is a Warlock of Baalor, a black sorcerer that can cause the sky to fall and the sea to rise, a mighty weapon in the arsenal of a God who wishes nothing but the destruction of the world above the water.
This blister pack contains:
1x Maagaan, Warlock of Baalor
1x 30mm round base