The essence of the Melusines and their Queen is readily discerned when Tecass brandishes her Gigh and plants it in the earth before her, marking the field for Euryalia. It displays in obvious terms both the warped temper of the Ysians and the ugly truth of their desires, for not only is it a symbol of the lust that the Melusines personify and inevitably fulfil for themselves it is also a direct insult to perhaps Euryalia's most implacable enemy: nature herself. In the north and the west, where the Earth Goddess is most revered, the Sighle na gCíoch is both a warning and a promise, for Danu knows that lust and desire have their place, just as the crone and the maiden have their place: but Euryalia's appetites have no limits, and so the Melusines display - through Tecass and others like her - their wicked temptations and their beguiling nature without the balance Danu brings upon the Gigh for all to see and desire.
This blister pack contains:
1x Tecass, Sword-Melusine Gigh
1x 30mm round base