Branok serves Carn Maen, the place of his birth, as a true son of the Horned God should for his heart is cold and his will is strong. He wears a helm of steel and horn, meaning he is a Drune of Kernow; he wields an ax of nicked steel, meaning he has dispatched many to meet their fathers outside of this life; he carries a banner of Carn Maen into battle, meaning he is favoured by Kernunnos and will be even after he is taken by the earth. Thus, at least to those that pay attention to such things, it can be seen that Branok's destiny is a great one and whilst he is yet an Ax-Drune the natural order of things ensures that Carn Maen will one day be his to command.
This blister pack contains:
1x Branok of Carn Maen, Bann-Ax-Drune
1x 30mm round base