Total 265401

New Miniatures in our Base

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New 3d Miniatures

Miniatures by Categories

We have 265401 miniatures on the site. If you don't know what exactly you want to find, then it may be more convenient for you to look at the sets by category.

By Type
3d Print (69108)
Busts (2208)
Flat (149)
Free 3D (3198)
Nudity (278)
By Scale
15mm (1996)
28mm (32599)
32mm (70871)
54mm (1859)
75mm (1690)
90mm (80)
120mm (45)
By Setting
Fantasy (160398)
Historical (16702)
Sci-fi (22590)


The main idea behind this site is to gather all the information possible about the miniatures (toy soldiers, figurines - call them whatever you like) from all over the world with the help of everyone interested. It is also a place to put your miniatures collections together, show them to others, discuss and share miniature-related news. For more information about the site, its goals and handy features click here. There is no shop, we don't sell anything.
What miniatures to add next?
A few clicks and we will hear you!
Telegram Channel
We have a Telegram channel where we automatically publish all the new releases from the website (about 30-40 per day). It's a great way to stay up to date!

2055 collectioners have 47,573 in their collections and wish 73,508 miniatures.

We have 265,401 miniatures in our base with total price $5,106,265 and 58,092 video reviews of them.

We know 2254 Miniature's companies, 841 Games/Lines and 1291 Factions and going to add more!

Today: +135 set

New sets for 3d printing from Patreon Companies

How can Miniset be useful for collectors?

Keep your collection by clicking
It's not easy to keep in mind all the miniatures you have. Especially if you've been in this hobby a while and your collection has grown significantly. Using a notepad or notes on your phone is not very convenient. We've all been there :)
Maximum information
All the information on the site is added by the same collectors as you. You get maximum information about your miniatures, their sculptors and artists, and much more.
Download your collection in XLS-file
You can download an xls file with your collection at any time. You won't have to fill it with your hands, as before!
Your future miniatures
A single place to search for similar, new and interesting miniatures. There is no need to review dozens of sites or scroll through the feed over the past week. Send your wishlist to friends)
Do you know more than we do?
Share with us, because someone also added information about miniatures from your collection. Everyone can supplement information and add new ones, that's what we live by.
What else?
Interesting crowdfunding projects, video reviews, vintage catalogs and a great community of people like you! Walk around the site, you will find a lot of interesting things! And it's all free.

Free sets for the last week from MyMiniFactory

Discussing our paints and miniatures in telegram!

Here we discuss the news of the world of miniatures, share tips and recommendations, and also show our real masterpieces! Join us, let's create unique and beautiful works together!

Miniatures Shows from over the world

Here you can view some future shows and events related to miniatures.

showing 3 of 5

Interactive Catalogs Scans

Scans of printed catalogs with zoom and links to sets pages (only where done).


Новая информация и наборы появляются на сайте благодаря участникам нашего сообщества. Любой желающий может добавлять и редактировать информацию в базе данных. Именно поэтому она такая многогранная и подробная! Посмотрите здесь, как именно вы можете поучаствовать в проекте. Нам нужна ваша помощь, она неоценима!

Heroes of the day!

These members of our community have done a lot of work today. Thank them very much!
Data without counting materials and changes of admins and automation.
MaXxD: +1 material

Активность сообществаПоказать всё

What's new
Сегодня:     +135
4 часа 5 мин. назад
Петр Солодков (1523) added новое set - Medieval Knights to company Victrix
13 часов 49 мин. назад
MaXxD (11767) added новое set - Tarralith Dragon Egg to company Mammoth Factory
1 день 18 часов назад
Belladonna Ulanti (46804) changed:
1 день 19 часов назад
Belladonna Ulanti (46804) added новое set - Direchasm: Arena Mortis to company Games Workshop
2 дня 14 часов назад
MaXxD (11767) added 3 новое sets - Rocks Circle, Skeletal Dragon, Modular Carts to company Making Tlon
6 дней 10 часов назад
Dan (∞) added 5 новое companies - ZBB EditionS, Apex Creative, Gargantua, War Scenery, Patrick Miniatures