The fires of Gwaelod, despite the assaults upon that land by the Norsemen and the Érainn and the Fomoraic, rage still. Indeed, the Dyndreigiau defend their islands so effectively that Gwyddno Garanhir can afford to lend the blades of his kindred - of which the mighty Clundwr is but one - to Cadwaladr of Gwynedd, the Red Dragon, who takes to the field so that the Brythoniaid survive. Such is the might of just one man-dragon only Clundwr would be enough to turn the tide of battle, should he face mere humans: yet the hosts of Cadwaladr's enemies contain foes that can trouble even a Dyndraig, and so Clundwr faces Jötunn and Brute and Gúthbera and Srónax alongside his kin, thus forming an impenetrable wall of iron-hard skin and savage strength and the unquenchable fire within all those of Gwaelod.
This blister pack contains:
1x Clundwr, Dyndraig of Gwaelod
1x 60mm round base