Valentin Zak
Sculptor of 144 miniatures
Freelance Sculptor – Creative Director – Owner of Ammon Miniatures.
Valentin Zak is a Traditional and digital sculptor in the field of miniatures, action figures and statues.
He has worked for companies like Studio McVey, Mierce Miniatures, Blacksmith Miniatures, Demented Games amongst others as well as lead sculptor on licenses from comics.
Whether the final product is in resin, PVC, ABS or other, he has a solid knowledge of the various production constraints and will adapt the sculpture in order to get a production-ready prototype.
Location: Marseille, France
Sculpts ( 144 )
Ammon Miniatures ( 3 )
Dragonhead Models ( 3 )
Figone ( 1 )
Mierce Miniatures ( 135 )
RobotRocket Miniatures ( 1 )
Wonderlands Project ( 1 )
All information taken from opened resources like person's blogs or pages. If you are Valentin Zak - please, contact us to change info!
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